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RE: HTTP Performance tuning ~Nicole Umboosigenlen 15.Jan.04 03:27 PM a Web browser Domino Server All ReleasesAIX
u seem to have 38 users in the user no pb here.
Maybe check other stats (active threads, active thread peaks).
Do you encouter perf pb on your domino server so you want to tune ? Cause theres 90% chance the perf pb may come from an app, if any, not from domino config.
The domino http config param that could cause slow perf are :
- DNS Lookup
- http log in domlog.nsf (prefer flat files, and do not log everything, filter via mime type for ex to not include images)
be sure also to let web agent run in parallel, and set them a max execution time.
But once again, the more perf boost you'll get will come , first step, from your application. In second, you can tune domino, tune http caches, set http header rules so browser do not requests some files (images for ex) at every page visit etc...